
HOME > Products > SEYANG® LCP > Feature
Liquid Crystal Polymer

As Seyang Polymer’s liquid crystal polymer brand, Seyang® LCP is the only liquid crystal polymer resin manufactured in Korea as we established
the manufacturing equipment of resin polymerization technology and compounding manufacturing equipment by developing own technology

  • High heat resistance
  • High flow and rapid crystallization speed
  • Dimensional stability and low CTE
  • High strength and high elasticity
  • Flame retardancy and halogen-free
  • Chemical resistance and low humidity absorption
Applicable Areas
  • Electrical/electronic components
  • AV/OA components
  • Automotive parts
  • Fiber/film materials
  • High functional compound materials
  • As Seyang Polymer’s liquid crystal polymer brand, Seyang® LCP is the only liquid crystal polymer resin manufactured in Korea as we establish
    manufacturing equipment of resin polymerization technology and compounding manufacturing equipment through developing own technology
  • We possess our own liquid crystal polymer technology, ranging from research and development to technical support, to provide total solutions
    for various customer demands

Seyang Polymer thinks of its customers
as its family.
Customers who wish to experience the
powerful functions of SEYANG®LCP,
please contact us at any time.

Manager contact information

Mr. Seung-Wook Choi,
Managing Director

Mobile. +82-10-7203-4418

Tel. 070-8708-8159

E-mail. swchoi2@symaterials.co.kr

Ms. Sun-Hwa Jang,
Managing Director

Mobile. 010-9342-2086

Tel. 070-8708-8153

E-mail. shjang@seyangpolymer.com